510k When to Submit: Comprehensive Guide

If you are a medical device manufacturer considering entering the U.S. market, and you want to market your product, you must understand how and when to file the 510k application. If submitted too early, it can add to delays, more costs, or even recalls; submitted too late, it cannot be included in subsequent batches. At [...]

By |2024-12-12T13:35:25+00:00December 12th, 2024|US FDA|Comments Off on 510k When to Submit: Comprehensive Guide

What is 510k summary?

The 510(k) summary is an abstract of the details related to the proposed device included in the 510(k) file and the supporting information. This document will include details about the device, manufacturer, predicate device chosen and substantial equivalence comparison with the predicate device selected. The details of the various nonclinical tests and clinical trials [...]

By |2021-10-03T09:06:25+00:00August 12th, 2021|US FDA|Comments Off on What is 510k summary?
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